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Upstream PRoject Management

Arctic Field Development - Alaska

Participated in many projects in all aspects of field development and depletion in Greater Prudhoe Bay field in the North Slope of Alaska.  This included development and infill drilling, petrophysical evaluation, reservoir engineering and well performance prediction, hydraulic fracturing, well work, production optimization, and WF/EOR performance management.

Pictures for Pikka 1.jpg

Development Drilling and Waterflood - Middle East

Project involved implementation of Sea Water injection and waterflood with more than 100 new injectors and producers in Midde East to enhance production and recovery.  This was a $7b project with new well pads, processing facilities and sea water treatment plant.

Camels in the Desert

Deep Water Development - Angola

Deep Water Angola development was challenging with drilling prolific producers and injectors through reservoirs depleted by first phase of development.  Project was focused on managing waterflood and offtake strategy to reduce the risk of sever overbalance in drilling, as well as optimizing the waterflood injection for sweep and recovery.

Image by Andrey Sharpilo

Unconventional Tight Reservoir Development - Offshore Black Sea

The development of the tight oil reservoirs in offshore Black Sea involved drilling several horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic stimulation completions from existing platforms and sidetracking abandoned wells.  Project managed through stage-gate approach and costs ranged from $50m to $200m.

Rig Maintenance

Technology Management - US, UK and Middle East

Technology projects included development of digital capabilities in upstream from sensors, infrastructure, software and online platforms.  This included working with stakeholders, suppliers and university JVs in developing state of the art visualization and artificial intelligence capabilities with deployment at scale in major oil companies.


Field re-Development - Texas

Focus of the project was in rejuvenating the abandoned fields from 1930' to 1960's which were developed with early drilling and completion technologies and left considerable remaining resources untapped at the time of abandonment.  Project consist of re-entry and stimulation, drilling new wells and implementing Waterflood.  Project included partnership with other operators and sharing equity.

Well Drill
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